ROOMOBJ: 2;llama spit;4;NVIS;57;S: A 1,(RBOB15,420)(RBOB16,12)(RBOB17,12)(RBOB15,24) M 0,0,396 M 50,0,12 M 0,0,36 M -50,0,0 M 0,0,24 J S;0;0;0;0;0; ;NPICK;6;0;0;MID;-D; ; ;
DACT: IFRF 1=3;RESP S,4,...but promises are promises! Therefore, I present you with this valuable gift!;OBJ1 7;SHOW 7,125,117,RBOB18;HANDLE;GET 27,U;W 100;SHOW 7,123,117,DEF;HANDLE -1;DSET 4,+10;EXIT
DACT: RESP S,4,Yes, it's the magic of Ali Harrod's shopping emporium that does it...;RESP S,4,You just can't stay away, can you?
DACT: RESP S,4,You have now been to my establishment no less than #R#4#1# times!;OBJ1 7;DSET 4,N10;EXIT
/* Ali dialogue
LINE: 4;1;So, where are the shelves?; ;
LACT: 4;1;RESP S,4,No shelves needed, sir...;W 25;RESP S,4,I have everything right here behind the counter.;W 25;RESP S,4,After all...;RESP S,4,This is no department store!;DSET 4,N1
LINE: 4;2;Have you ever heard about "delusions of grandeur"?; ;
LACT: 4;2;RESP S,4,Sure, I have a very nice perfume with that name for sale... Tax free, of course!;DSET 4,N2
LINE: 4;3;I don't think this shack can be the largest ANYTHING, really.; ;
LACT: 4;3;RESP S,4,Ah! But believe me, Ali Harrod - that's me - stocks everything you could possibly want!;DSET 4,N1,N2,N3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+11
LINE: 4;4;Do you have a barrel of really GOOD mead?; ;
LACT: 4;4;RESP S,4,Of course.;BOBOFF 58;BOBOFF 57;CUTSCENE 5,H;BOBON 58,135,103,RBOB9;RESP S,4,Do you have 8 silver pieces?;DSET 4,+5,N4,N9
LINE: 4;5;I'll come back later, OK?;I think I'll say goodbye for now.;
LACT: 4;5;RESP S,4,Customers are always welcome back!;W 25;CMOVE 190,118,C;EDLG;GOTO 3,2;EXIT
LINE: 4;6;Do you have a good dictionary?; ;IFRF 3=1
LACT: 4;6;RESP S,4,Of course.;BOBOFF 58;BOBOFF 57;CUTSCENE 5,H;BOBON 58,135,103,RBOB8;RESP S,4,That will be one copper coin, please.;DSET 4,S1,+9,+15
LINE: 4;7;Do you have a map of the world? I'm kind of lost.; ;
LACT: 4;7;RESP S,4,Of course.;BOBOFF 58;BOBOFF 57;CUTSCENE 5,H;BOBON 58,135,105,RBOB7;RESP S,4,This map is completely unique.;RESP S,4,In fact, ALL my world maps are unique and quite different from each other.
LACT: 4;7;RESP S,4,That is why each one costs 30 gold pieces.;DSET 4,-9,N7
LINE: 4;8;What I really need is some transport out of this place!; ;
LACT: 4;8;RESP S,4,Of course.;RESP S,4,I think a medium sized llama would fill your needs perfectly.;BOBOFF 58;BOBOFF 57;CUTSCENE 5,H;SHOW ROBJ1,128,62,DEF;SHOW ROBJ2,133,60,DEF
LACT: 4;8;RESP S,4,It's yours for only 100 gold pieces. Be careful, it spits a lot.;DSET 4,N8,-9
LINE: 4;9;Oh, great! Something I can afford - I'll take it!; ;
LACT: 4;9;RESP S,4,Very good, captain. Here you are.;SHOW 7,125,117,RBOB18;BOBOFF 58;HANDLE;GET 30,N;REMOVE SOBJ2,N,0;SETRF 2=1;W 50;SHOW 7,123,117,DEF;HANDLE -1;DSET 4,R1,N6,N9,N15
LINE: 4;10;Thank you very much. I'll pop outside and examine my gift now!; ;
LACT: 4;10;RESP S,4,Remember - No-one beats Ali Harrod's when it comes to value for money!;CMOVE 190,118,C;EDLG;GOTO 3,2;EXIT
LINE: 4;11;OK, I would like to trade some items with you.; ;
LACT: 4;11;RESP S,4,Sorry, it's cash only if you want to buy something here, I'm afraid.;RESP R,4,It's not that I don't trust you, but...;RESP R,4,Hmm...;RESP R,4, I said, it's cash only!;DSET 4,N11
LINE: 4;12;I saw a big sign outside - what is the special offer?; ;IFRF 3,7=1
LACT: 4;12;RESP S,4,We have the most magnificent sale!;RESP S,4,Half the price on all fireplaces, furnaces, stoves and central heating!;DSET 4,S1,N12,+13,+14
LINE: 4;13;In this heat???; ;
LACT: 4;13;RESP S,4,Yes, naturally.;RESP S,4,Would be a bit silly to have it in the wintertime when people buy them anyway, you know!;DSET 4,R1
LINE: 4;14;Darn, I though I would be able to pick up something useful!; ;
LACT: 4;14;RESP S,4,Well, better luck next time!;DSET 4,R1
LINE: 4;15;Gosh, that's all the money I have - I'll have to think about this!; ;
LACT: 4;15;RESP S,4,Very good, captain. Take your time.;BOBOFF 58;CUTSCENE 5,H;DSET 4,R1
LINE: 4;16;Have you seen a salt merchant around here recently?; ;IFOF 9,2=1
LACT: 4;16;RESP S,4,Oh, yes indeed.;RESP S,4,Saltan Peper, a very good friend of mine.;RESP S,4,But he is long gone by now.;RESP S,4,He was in a hurry to get back home with his new ship and crew.
LACT: 4;16;RESP S,4,Apparently, he won them from some stupid barbarian who bet them against ten pounds of salt.;RESP S,4,What a loser, eh?;DSET 4,N16;EXIT